Bento #2

Monday, June 14, 2010

Well since the first attempt was such a hit, um, how was I going to top that. Well I had cooked soo much for dinner that there was more than enough for a "left-overs" lunch, problem solved.

I didn't have any cutesy rice molds (but am saving up for future bento haulage, lol), so I improvised. I had found a small container that had never been used, so I tried molding the rice with that. Worked like a charm. Trick that I found was that the rice should be warm, to stick together well and plop out of the mold easily. And since the main entree was kinda stew-like, I had lined that side of the bento container with plastic wrap, so as not to stain the nice container. (Something I experienced when packing leftover spaghetti...could hardly get those sauce stains off.)

So hopefully the hubby and son will like it, promise the next one will be more "eye pleasing"!

Contents of Bento #2: filipino style/leftovers (left to right): Steamed rice, pork afritada and chocolate cream wafters.


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