Bento #5- Post "game 7" Bento

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well the last bento of the week, and sorry to say, kinda "blah", but good and healthy nonetheless. The only excuse I can think of is to blame it on game 7 of the Lakers/Celtics Finals.. too stressing to make a great bento, lol. (Thank goodness the Lakers won, "way to go Lakers!")
Anywho, back to the bentos.
Items included: chicken salad sandwiches on white bread and 12 grain bread (for the bottom bento), mac salad in the blue container, carrot sticks with ranch dressing, and a candy bar for dessert.
The work week is over, and one week of bentos is done. Now to think of a whole different menu for next week. At least I have the entire weekend to think and plan for it. Till next time, have a great weekend and happy bento-ing!!!


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