Bento #16 Skewer Crazy

Monday, July 5, 2010

Well, the long holiday weekend is over and my rest from making bentos is finished. Back to the grind again and trying to figure out what to make these men for lunch. Luckily I had a little inspiration since I had a major bento haul on Saturday (see next post). So excited to use my new gadgets and accessories, like a kid on Christmas morning, lol.
So we have steamed rice triangles, using rice molds of course. Served along side a cute bear container of furikake. The husband said that was a good choice cause the furikake kinda lost its luster from melting on the rice the night before. (He never said a thing before!) Next there is bbq beef, satay style. Not so much thai tasting, kinda has a spicy kick to it. Good nonetheless. And for dessert, strawberry and honeydew melon skewers, with a little pink bunny and yellow fish pick for decor.....till next time!


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